Serving an LDS Mission in Vina del Mar, Chile.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Daily Routine

Thanks Dad, that did answer my question. [He says he keeps getting asked if Joseph Smith was a Mason.]
No,I  haven't climbed the stairs on the hills yet because that is only in Valparaíso. Apparently in some places your tie literally touches the ground because of how vertical the hills are. YAY! 
Mom asked for my daily routine....
7:00 wake up and exercise
7:30 - 8:30 breakfast and get ready for the day
8:30 - 9:30 personal study
9:30 - 10:30 companionship study
10:30 - 11:00 language study
11:00 Leave the pensión and start working
1:30 - 2:30 lunch (at least that's what it should be but since Chileans LOVE to talk and get offended if we leave ´early´, we usually end up leaving lunch between 3:00-3:30)
2:30 - 9:30 (or 10) work
9:30 - 11:00 plan for the next day and get ready for bed
11:00 - 7:00 sleep through earthquakes that happen regularly
Todo el día, todos los días. [All day, every day.] It seems monotonous but the days usually go by really fast. But every once in a while there is a day when 15 minutes is an eternity. Those days are really fun......
As for what happened this week....... Apparently my calling should be the Ward Nursery Leader because it turns out that I have the ability to keep any kid quiet and entertained during lessons and during sacrament meeting. Honestly I don't know how because I do the exact same things as everyone else. Gift from God, I guess? 
Más que nada estamos preparándonos por las últimas entrevistas de Presidente Kähnlein este Miercoles. [More than anything else we are preparing for the last interviews of President Kähnlein this Wednesday.] Oh, sorry....sometimes I don't realize when I'm mixing English and Spanish. If you don't understand, Mecham [his older brother] can help you. Not much has happened. We "scared" two less actives into going to church by using the examples of the disasters in Chile and the dreams/visions that many missionaries and members (including those 2 less actives) have had about a giant earthquake. Sometimes there's a tsunami included in the dreams/visions. So ya, we're still waiting for that fun vibration massage and mud bath.
So ya, that's this week. Don't die this week.
Elder Groneman

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